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Iowa Assisted Living Association

"Keeping Assisted Living - Assisted Living"


2024 Annual Conference Registration


Please Complete 1 Form Per Attendee

Please complete the boxes below for contact hours. 

Attending Full Conference                                                            Attending One Day ONLY (Day 1 or 2)


$310.00 member rate with no Contact Hours                              $235.00 member rate with no Contact Hours

$360.00 member rate with Contact Hours*                                  $285.00 member rate with Contact Hours

$410.00 non-member rate with no Contact Hours                      $310.00 non-member rate with no Contact Hours

$460.00 non-member rate with Contact Hours*                          $360.00 non-member rate with Contact Hours


Registration includes: Lunch, Break & Contact Hours (if purchased) 


Thank you for registering!

If only attending 1 day please select which date you will be attending
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